Okay, so remember this cabinet?
Well, the paint thinner didn't work. And then the sander stressed me out so hard (it was so loud and power tool-ish) that I gave up and returned it to Home Depot after an hour. I had to regroup and modify the game plan.
First step of the new game plan, a few coats of white primer:
Next step, go at it with some Martha Stewart Precious Metals in Froth:
The end result: messy metallic zigzags! Yeah!!!
I know zigzags (and triangles and crystals and Navajo anything) are super trendy, but unfortunately that doesn't make me any less into them. So I think giving this cabinet its eighteenth layer of paint is a nice way to incorporate a trend in a non-permanent way. Now I just need something to paint neon pink.
let's go thrifting. and i can grab neon pink spray paint in the suburbs during work. then we'll just go to it like my mom and have a spray paint party in the backyard.
matching bag???
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