Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Zigzag Cabinet.

Okay, so remember this cabinet?

Well, the paint thinner didn't work. And then the sander stressed me out so hard (it was so loud and power tool-ish) that I gave up and returned it to Home Depot after an hour. I had to regroup and modify the game plan.

First step of the new game plan, a few coats of white primer:

Next step, go at it with some Martha Stewart Precious Metals in Froth:

The end result: messy metallic zigzags! Yeah!!!

I know zigzags (and triangles and crystals and Navajo anything) are super trendy, but unfortunately that doesn't make me any less into them. So I think giving this cabinet its eighteenth layer of paint is a nice way to incorporate a trend in a non-permanent way. Now I just need something to paint neon pink.


timmymolly said...

let's go thrifting. and i can grab neon pink spray paint in the suburbs during work. then we'll just go to it like my mom and have a spray paint party in the backyard.

timmymolly said...

matching bag???
