Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A photo-journal of the best summer vacation I've ever taken:

I should actually title this "A (crappy iPhone) photo-journal of the best summer vacation I've ever taken."We flew there inside of a rainbow.

View on views on views on views. Views for days.

Orange orange whip!

The first cheeseburger I've eaten in, like, two years. (I had two, of course.)

Drinks inside a chandelier.

Hair clouds and a panty shot.

Where to find Ben at the Silver Cilantro.

Post-Binion's Steakhouse, pre-Glitter Gulch.

Sunrise panorama, which made brushing the rat's nest of extensions out of my hair only slightly less painful.

Seriously the most amazing five days.

1 comment:

timmymolly said...

the MOST amazing. meet you guys at the main stage in a year.