As promised, here is Ally's 30 Before 30 list! And yes, Ally, this is what blogging always feels like ("weird and embarrassing").
Well holy shit, after a night of truly mortifying karaoke and a meat-filled meal at Nightwood, here I am: 29 years old. Though I'm not totally spooked about turning 30, there are about 100 things I feel like I should accomplish before I start saying things like, 'at this age…' or 'when you're in your 30s…' .So alas, I'm joining the ranks of Molly, Dean, and my truest bluest gurl Shelby with my 30 before 30 list.
1/ Find teachers. This is the equivalent of finding religion for new age chumps like me. I want to read books and attend lectures by people who are more compassionate, joyful, and whole-er than I am. And I would like to integrate that knowledge into my life without dropping quotes at parties and losing all of my friends.
2/ Run a half marathon. I have run FOR YEARS, but it has never become a habit, and it has certainly never gone beyond 4 miles. This is my year.
3/ Get strong. I want to be able to do push ups and maybe, MAYBE, a pull up.
4/ Develop a mindfulness practice.
5/ Learn technology. The key here would be to not rely on my boyfriend to help me scan a document, every time I need to scan a document. Same is true for designing a flyer, backing up my computer, installing updates, etc.
6/ Start a private practice & increase my clinical skills. I would like to take on 4-5 therapy clients, and then do really good work with them.
7/ Go to Buenos Aires. Drink wine, walk around, hold hands with Zach.
8/ Go to Palm Springs OR Big Sur. I spend a lot of time in California. Time for an adventure.
9/ Take a girls' vacation. Preferably somewhere with a beach AND a pool.
10/ Buy 3-4 NICE things that I'll have forever. Staple pieces. Not from Zara.
11/ Start a 401K. I already did this, but listing it is helping me feel accomplished/motivated.
12/ Visit a financial planner. Something tells me that completing #12 isn't going to help me with #10, but it still needs to happen.
13/ Get a raise/promotion. I work HARD, and I don't have the title or salary to prove it.
14/ Kick my soda habit. No more Diet Cokes.
15/ Can this one be private? I think this one is private.
16/ Learn to mix. At least a little.
17/ Take more pictures. Like with a camera.
18/ Redo bathroom. Oops, I did this one already too. Just 28 left girl!
19/ Redecorate bedroom.
20/ Cook more/ have 3-4 signature dishes. 'Ohhh Ally is coming over? I hope she brings her __________."
21/ Have more dinner parties.
22/ Learn to make pizza from scratch. I'm scared of any recipe that calls for yeast. But I am more scared of my Papa John's addiction.
23/ Train Milkshake to be the best dog ever (not just the handsomest).
24/ Give gifts to friends and family. Send cards on people's birthdays. Show more love.
25/ Try new restaurants with my man.
26/ Do a 21-day cleanse.
27/ Read. More. Books. Maybe 2-3/month.
28/ Donate more time & money to places like: NPR, Chicago Public Libraries, Chicago Dyke March, Rape Victim Advocates, Greyhounds Only
29/ Grow a big vegetable garden. And then eat from it.
30/ Keep a cleaner home. Less dishes in the sink. Less clothes on the floor. Less closets filled to the brim.
1 comment:
GREAT LIST. I am totes in for 9 and 26. I think you can check off 23 and 14 and 5 are ones I just can not support you on. I have my eye on an item at Barneys. Let me know when you are ready for 10 and we can go together!!!
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